Tip of the Hat: An Introduction
When you get a Tip of the Hat from the Stephen Colbert that means you get his approval! If you think Stephen Colbert tipping the hat would be quite the challenge considering that he does not wear any hat at all, think again. He’s actually wearing one in his gut, and some even believe that he has swallowed it whole. To date, Stephen Colbert has given his tip of the hat to various famous people including JK Rowling, Pat Robertson, Lord Voldemort, and the Hungarians.
Tips of the Hat
Tips of the hat go to the following:
- Wal-Mart’s shoplifting policy focusing more on its own employees;
- Yale’s free tuition for the School of Music;
- Shrek for promoting exercise to kids;
- Arnold Schwarzenegger for encouraging immigrants to learn English;
- Michael Chertoff’s gut feeling;
- Charlize Theron because she’s so HOT!
- Lauren Hutton and her nude cover in Big magazine;
- Escaped convicted murderers who escaped thus triggering the nation’s elevated security;
- Mansheep – 85% sheep/15% human;
- The French for hating French.
- Midterm Elections
- Sandy Sullivan who nailed the Green Bay Packers way back 1960s
- Culture War
- Rodan on the innovative use of gamma rays and the destruction of the Japanese countryside
- Christmas Style
- Angel Gabriel for verifying that Keisha Castle-Hughes is immaculately knocked up
- Science and Technology
- NASA for killing the enemies in Mars